Styles that I teach
Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa is a balanced, flowing type of Hatha yoga that improves strength, flexibility, and concentration. Classes start with centering, a short meditation, chanting, and setting intention. We begin to connect to the diaphragmatic breath—the Ujjayi breath—and then move into warm-up asanas, surya namaskar (sun salutation), standing poses, backbends, forward bends, twists, inversions, meditation, and relaxation.
Combining postures with controlled breathing produces heat and cleanses the body. Kay Kay always offers modifications for postures throughout class, making it great for all levels. You will leave class feeling confident and energized.
Yin Yoga
This gentle yoga moves slowly and stays close to the ground. It involves holding each shape for three to five minutes to apply moderate stress to the connective tissues of the body—tendons, fasciae, and ligaments—in order to increase circulation in the joints and improve flexibility. The sequence of shapes stimulates the channels of the subtle body, known as meridians in Chinese medicine and nadis in Hatha yoga. Between each shape you “place” yourself in a mini shavasana to allow your body to assimilate the physical changes.
This is a more meditative approach to yoga, with the goal of heightening awareness of inner silence, and bringing to light a universal, interconnected quality. You will leave class feeling calm and nurtured.
VinYin Yoga
VinYin is Kay Kay’s favorite class to teach and practice. It is a hybrid class: the first part of the class is Vinyasa, followed by Yin. This is a perfect way to balance yang and yin, the right and left side of the body, the inner female and male. It develops qualities of compassion and understanding of what is happening in your body. You will leave class feeling energized and relaxed.
Restorative Yoga
This is a gentle, slow style of yoga that involves long, passive holds of 10–15 minutes. Restorative poses are designed to restore your body, calm down and balance your nervous system. It Improves capacity for healing and boosts the immune system. You will leave class feeling rejuvenated and relaxed.
Wall Yoga
This is a cross of yin and restorative yoga, using wall to support the postures. Wall class may include a few inversion poses.
Restorative yoga combined with sound healing offers a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating experience. As you settle into gentle yoga poses, the soothing sounds from various instruments such as Crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, gong, chimes, drum and more will work to harmonize your body and create a unique sense of tranquility. This 90 minute session allows you to unwind and experience the healing power of sound vibrations, leaving you with a lasting sense of well-being and inner peace.